GACHAGUA ALIYEMUITA RAILA MAJINA SASA AMMEZEA MATE 2027..//..LUSAKA AMKAUKIA SENETA ONYONKA KWA KUMUITA MPUMBAVU!..//..GEN Z WA BANGALADESH WAVAMIA IKULU YA WAZIRI MKUU..//..AJALI SACHANGWAN HUKU WANAFUNZI 25 NA WAALIMU 3 WAKIPATA MAJERAHA MABAYA..//..MGOMBEA urais wa Chama cha Democrat Kamala Harris amemteua Gavana wa Minnesota Tim Walz kuwa mgombea mwenza wake katika uchaguzi wa urais wa Novemba 5, mwaka huu.// AMERIKA imeonya serikali ya Kenya Kwanza dhidi ya kutumia nguvu kupita kiasi kukabili waandamanaji na kutaka hatua za haraka zichukuliwe dhidi ya ukiukaji wa haki za binadamu..//GAVANA wa Meru Kawira Mwangaza anataka Mahakama Kuu kuwahukumu maafisa wawili wa bunge la kaunti na MCA aliyeteuliwa kwa madai walidharau mahakama, akisema walipuuza maagizo ya korti kwa kukusudia kumtimua kwa mara ya tano.

Friday 30 June 2023


first started like ajoke but finally the dream has become true.A radio owned by TRANSMEDIA AFRICA LTD. Is set to be launched offgicially soon as it has already started airing its programmes.Peter Mukabi the owner of the statio reteriated that he consider mostly creativ mind.He told our newsdesk the radio stion wilat large cover news,east africa music and other related things.Peter Mukabi is one of the longest serving radio journalist in kenya. Sources indicates that most people across the world now tune into the stion.Mukabi revealed to us that he will be streaming alsso church events so that to reach deaper audiency.Talented youths are also encouraged to send application and proposalPeter Mukabi is the CEO of the statio

Friday 10 February 2023



Brought up from a humble background,Becky Amwogah is one of the fasted growing gospel artist in kenya.Becky who started singing few years ago came to limelight after attending events and perform publicly.

According to our source Becky who comesfrom kakamega county and lives in bungoma is set to release her new song soon titled MAISHA YANGU which represents those who are discouraged and are looking upon the lord for their hopes.

Becky one of the living testimony who are ever fresh with full of ideas making the industry juicy 

Sunday 5 February 2023




KIONGOZI wa Kanisa Katoliki Ulimwenguni Papa Francis ametoa wito kwa viongozi wa Sudan Kusini kuweka “mwanzo mpya” wa amani nchini humo.

Akiongea Ijumaa alipoanza ziara ya siku tatu katika nchi hiyo iliyozongwa na vita Papa huyo alionya kwamba historia itawahukumu vibaya viongozi hao kwa vitendo vyao.

“Mchakato wa amani na maridhiano unahitaji kuanzishwa upya,” Francis mwenye umri wa miaka 86, akasema kwenye hotuba yake katika Ikulu ya Rais jijini Juba, Sudan Kusini.

Alitaka juhudi kabambe ziendeshwe kukomesha kabisa katika taifa hilo changa zaidi duniani.

“Vizazi vijavyo, ama vitatukuza majina yenu au kuyafuta katika kumbukumbu zao, kwa misingi ya yale mnafanya sasa,” akaambia hadhira iliyowaleta pamoja Rais Salva Kiir, Naibu wake wa kwanza Riek Machar, wanadiplomasia, viongozi wa kidini na wafalme wa kitamaduni miongoni mwa watu wengine.

Tangu Sudan Kusini ilipotangazwa kuwa huru kutoka Sudan mnamo 2011, amani haijashuhudiwa katika nchi hiyo inayozongwa na umaskini.

Mwa miaka mitano, wanajeshi waaminifu kwa Kiir na wale ambao ni watiifu kwa Machar wamekuwa wakipigana. Mapigano hayo yamesababisha vifo vya watu 380,000 na wengine milioni nne wakafurushwa makwao.

“Mkomeshe umwagaji damu, mkomeshe vita na hali ya kulaumiana kuhusu ni nani mhusika. Msiwaache watu wenu na kiu ya amani. Wanataka amani haraka,” Francis akasema.

Ziara hiyo ya amani ni ya kwanza kwa Papa kufanya nchini Sudan Kusini tangu nchi hiyo – ambako raia wengi ni Wakristo – kupata uhuru kutoka Sudan yenye idadi kubwa ya Waislamu.

Kiongozi huyo wa Kanisa Katoliki alitua nchini baada ya kufanya ziara ya siku nne katika nchini ya Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC). Vita vimechacha mashariki mwa nchini hiyo yenye utajiri mkubwa wa madini.

Watu wengi, ambao walipiga foleni katika barabara za Jubaa kwa saa kadhaa kubla ya Papa kuwasili, walishangilia msafara wake uliopitia barabara zilizowekwa lami juzi.

Watu wengine walipiga magoti alipopita akiwapungia mkono.

Wengine walivalia mavazi ya kitamaduni au mavazi ya kidini, huku wengine wakipiga firimbi, kupuliza pembe na kuimba nyimbo za kikristo.

Kando na viongozi wa kisiasa, Papa Francis pia anatarajiwa kukutana na waathiriwa wa mapigano, viongozi wa makanisa na kuongoza ibada kubwa leo. Watu wengi wanatarajiwa kuhudhuria ibada hiyo.

Ziara hiyo ya Papa, ya tano barani Afrika, ilikuwa imepangiwa kufanyika 2022 lakini ikaahirishwa kwa baada ya Kiongozi huyo kukumbwa na tatizo la goti.

Tatizo hilo limefanya kutembea kwa kutumia viti vya magurudumu.

Mnamo 2019, Francis alitoa ahadi ya kuzuru Sudan Kusini alipokutana na Rais Kiir na Dkt Machar waliomtembea jijini Vatican. Aliwataka kuheshimu mkataba wa amani kwa manufaa ya raia wao.



    VITA vipya vilivyochipuza kati ya Rais William Ruto na mtangulizi wake Uhuru Kenyatta huenda vikamfaidi kiongozi wa upinzani Raila Odinga katika vita vyake dhidi ya utawala wa Kenya Kwanza. Wadadisi wa masuala ya kisiasa sasa wanasema nipe nikupe hiyo kati ya Rais Ruto na Bw Kenyatta itampa Bw Odinga nguvu zaidi ya kuiponda serikali, kuiyumbisha na hata kuikosesha nafasi ya kutekeleza ahadi nyingi ilizotoa kwa Wakenya kuelekea uchaguzi mkuu wa 2022. “Ikiwa joto hili la uhasama ambalo limechipuza tena kati ya Rais Ruto na Rais mstaafu halitapoeshwa kwa njia ya upatanisho, Raila ambaye ameanzisha msururu wa mikutano ya hadhara kote nchini ya kuipaka tope serikali hii changa atampa motisha mpya,” mchanganuzi wa msuala ya kisiasa Javas Bigambo amenukuliwa akisema. Anaongeza: “Raila atatumia nafasi hii kueneza ujumbe kwa wananchi kwamba serikali hii haina ajenda zozote za maendeleo zenye manufaa kwao ila inaongozwa na nia ya kulipiza kisasi dhidi ya wale aliowasawiri kama mahasidi wake, haswa, Rais Kenyattaa ambaye alimpokeza mamlaka kwa amani.” Akiongea mjini Mombasa Jumatatu alipofungua mkutano wa wabunge Rais Ruto alionekana kumshambulia Bw Kenyatta akidai ndiye amekuwa akifadhili mikutano ya Raila ya kupinga serikali ilia apate nafasi ya kukwepa kulipa ushuru. “Hata kama wanadhamini maandamano, ningetaka kuhakikishia kuwa sharti walipe ushuru. Sharti tuwe na nchi ambapo kila mtu analipa ushuru,” akasema, akiongeza: “Sirejelei ushuru mpya bali zile ambazo ni halali na zimeidhinishwa na Bunge. Rais alifananisha mienendo ya watu mashuhuri nchini, ambao hakuwataja, wa kukwepa ushuru na hali inayosawiriwa katika riwaya ya “Shamba la Wanyama” ambapo wanyama baadhi ya wanyama ni bora kuliko wengine. “Hatuko katika Shamba la Wanyama ambapo watu wengine ni bora kuliko wenzao. Sharti sote tulipe ushuru. Haijalishi idara ya mikutano ambayo utadhamini kuyumbisha ajenda yetu. Sharti ulipe ushuru,” akaongeza Dkt Ruto aliyeonekana mwenye ghadhabu. Rais alionekana kurejelea Bw Kenyatta, japo hakumtaja jina moja kwa moja. Lakini Rais huru mstaafu amejibu madai hayo akayataja kama “kilele za watu ambao wameshindwa kufanya kazi waliyopewa.” Rais Ruto alitoa kauli yake baada ya mwanablogu na mwanaharakati wa Kenya Kwanza Denis Itumbe kudai kuwa mikutano ya hadhara ya Bw Odinga inadhamini na “mtu fulani ambaye ambaye hataki watu walipe ushuru baada ya yeye na familia yake kukinga na sheria fulani kongwe kulipa ushuru kwa mali wanayomiliki.” Bw Itumbe aliweka mitandaoni sehemu ya Sheria ya zamani kuhusu Ardhi, “Estate Duty Act, Cap 483” iliyokinga familia za Rais wa kwanza Jomo Kenyatta na Rais wa Pili Daniel Arap Moi dhidi ya kulipa ushuru kwa ardhi kubwa zinazomiliki. Lakini baada ya Rais Ruto kutoa cheche kuhusu suala hilo la ushuru, maseneta watatu waliochaguliwa kwa tiketi ya chama cha United Democratic Alliance (UDA), John Methu (Nyandarua), James Murango (Kirinyaga na mwenzao wa Nyeri Wahome Wamatinga walimshambulia, moja kwa moja, Bw Kenyatta wakidai anatumia pesa alizokwepa kulipa kama ushuru kuhujumu serikali ya Kenya Kwanza. “Sisi kama viongozi tunaowawakilisha raia, hatuwezi kunyama huku mtu kama Rais mstaafu Uhuru Kenyatta akwepa ushuru na kutumia pesa hizo kufadhili maandamano na mikutano inayolenga kuvuruga amani nchini. Hivi karibuni tutadhamini mswada wa kubatilisha sheria hii inayokinga familia za Kenyatta na Moi dhidi ya kulipa ushuru,” akasema Bw Methu. Bila kutoa ithibati yoyote, maseneta hao waliochaguliwa kwa tiketi ya chama cha United Democratic Alliance (UDA) kinachoogozwa na Rais Ruto mwenyewe walidai kuwa wafadhili wa Azimio walifanya mikutano katika maeneo ya Maasai Mara, Mlima Kenya na Mombasa “kupanga njama zao za kuyumbisha serikali ya Kenya Kwanza.” Kwa upande mwingine, Seneta wa Nandi Samson Cherargei ameanzisha kampeni ya kumshinikiza Rais Ruto kumvua Bw Kenyatta wadhifa wa kuwa mpatanishi mkuu katika mchakato wa kuleta amani nchini Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo (DRC). “Rais Ruto anafaa kumpiga kalamu Bw Kenyatta kama balozi wa amani wa Kenya nchini DRC. Hawawezi kuendelea kutekeleza wajibu wa kuleta amani katika nchi hiyo ihali anafadhili fujo humo nchini,” Bw Cherargei akasema kupitia Twitter. Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu cha Kenyatta Profesa Eric Masinde Aseka anasema kuwa kama Rais mstaafu, Bw Kenyatta anafaa kupewa heshima na mrithi wake. “Hizi vita ambavyo Uhuru anapigwa wakati huu bila shaka huenda ukaendeleza moto wa kisiasa ambao umeanzishwa na Bw Odinga kupitia mikutano yake ya kuipaka tope serikali ya Kenya Kwanza. Bilas haka Rais Ruto hataongoza kwa amani ikiwa ataonekana kama kiongozi anayeongozwa na nia na lengo la kulipiza kisiasa,” akaongeza mchanganuzi huyo wa masuala ya kisiasa.

    Tuesday 1 November 2022



    KOKO COOKER AT KSHS.3500     
    A newly invented cooking  optional  apart from gas cylinder which has been in the market now for mor than two decades is facing a major blow after introduction of a new cooking machine which is so economical and people are running for it.

    According to our research carried a week a go after meeting the chief agent Rouzy Nelly and some staff ,they explained to us how simple it is to be used by anybody anywhere.

    A product made from india has been now in the other part of the country  for now 3months.recently some of the  clients in bungoma have been  seriously looking for a way to dispose
    their cylinders for koko cooker.

    On interview with bungoma chief agent told us  some cartel are now taking the advantage of the market to kill the product by delivering half package  at expensive price leeding confusion of the  normal price of  kshs.3500

    Wednesday 8 June 2022


    John Lutomia
    A rogue missionary by the name John Lutomia  domaining  as John Lee is soliciting funds from hundreds of Kenyans in the name of helping them. According to our reliable source the man from luhya land who is now duping  the white men in the name of  helping valranable Africans  on different  capacity is believed  to be extracting money  as registration fee so as to be attended by the wazungus doctor which has remain as a dream to most victim .

    On the recent act the “man of God” had a bitter exchange of words in a whatsapp group  claiming to have helped achurch with kshs.80,000 that he even failed to  provide evidence. Also as we were making this report the rogue missionary has failed to pay back kshs.1300 to a cancer victim whom he duped  by the name simon oniang’o from vihiga county.

    In a whatsapp group the calprit who tried to outshine other members by posting  bundles of money  was put of as he pretend to  help by show of images of money.It is believed the man has been moving around trying  to dupe but it seems the milk is sour..

    Kenyans have been in the recent past fallen into such traps  after fake pastors who emails and get funds from abroad in the name of helping but turns up to be business practitioners  in the house of the lord. The matter is now being pursued by the authorities  to bring the culprit  to book.

    Tuesday 7 June 2022




    A rogue pastor who purport to be a missionary has been soliciting funds from innocent kenyans pretending to be helping them on different capacity. Sources told us the man by the name John Lutomia aka John Lee has is several occasion trying to use all means to extract  money from kenyans and emailing the Warungu's to be part of the mission. We have in possession credible information  about the rogue pastor that we shall publish by tomorrow

    Friday 27 May 2022


    Kakamega thieves paraded with stolen goats call ALHAJJI NZENZE 0724779072

     If you thought witch doctors were only used to cause harm in society, you better reconsider your thoughts as a witch doctor in .Kakamega county, used his magical powers to track down livestock thieves and bring them to book.

    In an incident that brought activities in Emusanda village to standstill, three men who had been attacked by a swarm of bees emerged, carrying on their shoulders the stolen goat and a calf, as they bleated and mooed onomatopoeically, like the animals.
    This after the owner of the livestock Tolibert Imbiakah, 42, visited the benevolent witch doctor, after waking up two days ago only to find the animals missing from their pen.
    The witch doctor visited the man’s compound and conducted some rituals at the enclosure while mumbling some incantations, then left telling the owner not to worry as the thugs would come looking for him after two days.
    True to his words, today at 10am, three men Hillary Momanyi, 22, John Bukhazio 28 and Winston Mutiele, 20, emerged, their hands mobbed by swarms of bees as they carried the animals aloft bleating and mooing rhythmically.
    The owner of the animals emerged and positively identified his stock as the witch doctor took possession of his bees before handing over the apologetic thugs to authorities.
    The officer commanding Kakamega police station commended the witch doctor for helping him bring to book the two thugs, who were behind the spate of criminal activities in the area.
    We equally commend the witch doctor whose contacts we have reserved, for working for the good of the society. Find him on 0724779072


    A thief who was conrnerd in  bungoma 0724779072

     A suspected  thief  in Bungoma shocked residents when he showed up at the victims house carrying a music system that he has stolen on his head.

    The suspected thief is seen walking meekly to the house from where he stole the television set. 

    Villagersfrom marakaru area  who have come to witness the daylight spectacle mill around the man, bemused and shocked.
    The man who  been called a menace by the villagers  had terrorized the whole village with his thievery until a witch doctor was contracted  by a man whose system  went missing.

    The system owner gave an ultimatum to the  thief to return the equipment. When his ultimatum was ignored the witch doctor went to work. After a series of rituals and incantations, the thief showed the next day at  the scene of crime with the system  stuck on his head.
    The thief had stolen among other electronic items, a generator, a radio and most recent, a TV.
    By the use of  bees dkt.pambazuka alhajji  started commanding the bees to look for the man that came to pass.

    The thief who has been stealing in bumula,webuye and other parts of bungoma near the Uganda- Kenya border spent the best part of an hour waiting for the system owner to show up.
    The Witch doctor, identified as Alhajji Pambazuka who is located in kanduyi demanded a fee of KSh 30,000 in order to remove the hoover that was still stuck on the thief's head. It took the efforts of sympathizers in the village to plead with the witch doctor and have the system removed.

    When a written agreement was agreed upon, the witch doctor reversed the spell in a special hut in the village and the the system  was removed from the man's head.
    The thief could not remember anything after the incidence  but recorded a feeling of light headed-ness and fatigue.  The Witch doctor has issued a stern warning to all the thieves in the  area telling them that they will be brought to book as he gave out his number as0724779072

    Friday 22 April 2022


    • Mwanamuziki anayeibukia bi.Edna Nabwire 
    • atakuwa anazindua album yake ya kwanza hivi karibuni.Edna ambaye ni mshirika wa dhehebu la Jesus Adoration Family yupo kwenye mikakati ya uzinduzi wa album hii yenye nyimbo tano.Anaelezea pakubwa kuhusu magumu ya maisha mbayo hayafai kukuvunja moyo ama kusababisha uchoke na maisha.Anaelezea kukataliwa na wanadamua laiyesimama nao wakati wa ugumu wao lakini walimgeuka.






    Mzee Emilio Mwai Kibaki alizaliwa tarehe 15 mwezi Novemba mwaka 1931, katika kijiji cha Gatuyaini Kaunti ya Nyeri. Rais wa tatu Mwai Kibaki akiwa kwenye hafla iliyopita.

    Wazazi wa Kibaki wakiwa marehemu Kibaki Githinji na marehemu Teresia Wanjiku, na alikuwa kitinda mimba katika familia ya watoto wanane. Kibaki alibatizwa Emilio Stanley na wamishenari wa ki-Italiano akiwa kijana, lakini amekuwa akitumia jina Mwai Kibaki katika maisha yake. Historia Kuhusu Elimu ya Mwai Kibaki Kibaki alianza elimu yake katika shule ya msingi ya Gatuyainĩ, kisha akajiunga na shule mishenari ya Karima na baadaye kujiunga na shule ya upili ya Mathari ambayo kwa sasa inajulikana kama Nyeri High.

    Hayati kibaki na hayati moi
    Nyakati za likizo za shule, Kibaki alikuwa manamba katika mabasi yaliyojulikana kama Othaya African Bus Union. Hayati Kibaki alijiunga na shule ya upili ya Mang’u mwaka wa 1947 hadi 1950. Alipita vizuri sana kwa kupata alama sita na hivyo kumsababisha kujiunga na chuo kikuu cha Makerere nchini Uganda, alikosomea historia na sayansi kuhusu siasa. Baada ya kukamilisha elimu ya chuo kikuu, Kibaki aliajiriwa na kampuni ya kuuza mafuta ya Shell tawi la Uganda akiwa meneja wa mauzo. Baadaye Kibaki alijiunga chuo kikuu cha Uingereza kuhusu  uchumi, alikosomea usimamizi wa fedha za umma. Mnamo mwaka 1958, kibaki alirejea katika chuo kikuu cha Makerere ambapo alikuwa naibu wa mhadhiri katika kitengo cha uchumi wadhifa alioushikilia hadi mwaka 1961. Mwaka 1961,

    Kibaki alifunga pingu za maisha na Lucy Muthoni. Kazi alizofanya Mwai Kibaki Licha ya kuwa mbunge wa Othaya, Kibaki amewahi kuwa Naibu Waziri wa Fedha, Mwenyekiti wa Tume ya Mipango, Waziri wa Biashara na Viwanda, na Waziri wa Fedha. Moi alipoingia madarakani baada ya kifo cha Jomo Kenyatta, Kibaki aliteuliwa kuwa Makamu wa Rais. Kibaki

    Kibaki Mwaka 1988 Kibaki alianza kuwa na mvutano na Rais msaafu Moi. Mwaka huo alivuliwa Umakamu wa Rais na kupelekwa Wizara ya Afya. Mwaka 1991 Kibaki aligura chama cha KANU na kuanzisha chama cha Democratic Party. Katika uchaguzi wa Urais wa mwaka 1991, Kibaki alikuwa wa tatu na mwaka 1997 akaibuka wa pili. Kibaki aliingia mamlakani mwaka wa 2002, na kufaulu kumrithi Hayati Daniel Arap Moi aliyekuwa madarakani kwa miaka 24. Uchaguzi wa 28 Disemba 2007 ulimrejesha Kibaki kwa kipindi cha pili kama rais. Uchaguzi huu ulipingwa na chama cha upinzani, ODM na kusababisha kuundwa kwa serikali ya nusu mkate. Mungu ailaze roho yake mahali pema peponi.

    Friday 11 February 2022


     Kiminini residents are mourning the death of their daughter Stella Wachie.According to the sources Stella died after complaining for sometimes that he has tried to reach out for medication but all in vain.Following her death the residents and facebookers has comeout sending messages to the berieved family and warnig others not to go their in the name of greener pastures .

    Her close friend Lilian Simiyu whom she has been communicating to  t broke the news through her facebook account  terming it as disbelief on what has just happened.More than 3000 kenyan ladies lleave for Saudia,Qatar,and other Arab countries looking for better lives in their future through agencies.A two years contract  has turn negative as few gets it right to their future.
    Plans are already underway to  ferry the body of Stella Wachie back to the country for burial arrangment.

    Tuesday 10 August 2021


    By our team.

     President Uhuru kenyatta for the second time has men the opposition team as the discuss awy forward on how to be one coming 2022.Uhuru is serving for the second time has been in different occasion  reiterated that he might support a candidate from opposition sidelining his deputy william ruto who has been termed as an enemy of unity.

    In a disclosed meetin that borught together odm leader raila odinga,kalonzo musyoka of wiper ,moses wetangula of ford kenya ,,anc leader musalia mudavadi nad gedion moi of kanu all are looking forward  to work as one team where analyst  predicts it will be a landslide.Ruto is also preparing  to run for 2022 presidential race  in UDA ticket

    Monday 30 September 2019


    A suspected  thief  in kapchorwa  Uganda shocked residents when he showed up at the victims house carrying a music system that he has stolen on his head.
    The suspected thief is seen walking meekly to the house from where he stole the television set. 

    Villagers who have come to witness the daylight spectacle mill around the man, bemused and shocked.
    The man who  been called a menace by the villagers  had terrorized the whole village with his thievery until a witch doctor was contracted  by a man whose system  went missing.

    The system owner gave an ultimatum to the  thief to return the equipment. When his ultimatum was ignored the witch doctor went to work. After a series of rituals and incantations, the thief showed the next day at  the scene of crime with the system  stuck on his head.
    The thief had stolen among other electronic items, a generator, a radio and most recent, a TV.

    The thief who has been stealing in suam town near the Uganda- Kenya border spent the best part of an hour waiting for the system owner to show up.
    The Witch doctor, identified as Ndumba who is located in kitale demanded a fee of KSh 80,000 in order to remove the hoover that was still stuck on the thief's head. It took the efforts of sympathizers in the village to plead with the witch doctor and have thesystem removed.

    When a written agreement was agreed upon, the witch doctor reversed the spell in a special hut in the village and the the system  was removed from the man's head.
    The thief could not remember anything after the incidence  but recorded a feeling of light headed-ness and fatigue.  The Witch doctor has issued a stern warning to all the thieves in the  area telling them that they will be brought to book as he gave out his number as 0705509954

    Wednesday 25 September 2019


    There was drama at Eldoret  morning after a 56-year-old man physically got stuck inside his wife’s sister.
    The father of five was found in the act with his sister-in-law at a Nakuru town lodging, which they booked on Monday night.
    A night fun transformed into a dawn of pain as the duo screamed for help after failing to extricate themselves from the embarrassing situation.
    Lodging attendants acting on hearing the screams rushed to the room where the two were booked and broke the door, only to find the two ‘lover birds’ physically stuck.
    The man’s wife, Nancy waswa  confessed to seeking witchdoctor’s intervention as her husband has been engaging in flings with different women, prompting her to take action.
    Nancy , who lives with her husband in chavakali town confessed to paying a local witchdoctor, dr. ndumba kshs.25000  to enable her nab her rogue husband.
    “This woman (nancy) came to me complaining that her husband was unfaithful. I told her to write the name of her husband on a piece of paper, after which I will use a traditional stick  (concoction) to lock him and his lover up. As evident,. I lock up philandering couples for Ksh25000,. The cost of separating a stuck couple would be incurred by the victims,” said ndumba
    nancy said that her husband claimed that he was travelling to Mombasa for a week to purchase a vehicle only to go to Nakuru with her sister, even after absconding family responsibilities.
    “I live in chavakali  town with my husband. We have been married for 20 years; and have five children together. He has been unfaithful for the longest time I know. Last week, we sold a parcel of land to buy a car that we would use in business. Instead of going to Mombasa to buy the car, he took my younger sister to Eldoret  to engage in sexual activities with her. I am the one paying for my sister’s education,” said Nancy .
    “When my efforts to contain my husband’s philandering ways proved unsuccessful, I sought the services of ndumba, who has helped me. I recommend him to anyone whose marriage is facing similar problems to mine. I thank ndumba. Let the incident serve as a lesson to my husband,” added nancy.
    ndumba accompanied Nancy to eldoret town, where she performed rituals using different concoctions to separate the two.
    “Please forgive me my sister. The man offered me Ksh2,000 for sex. I also stole all the money he was to use on buying a car. Please forgive me, my sister. I am tired. I have learnt my lesson the hard way (writhes in pain),” nancy’s sister cried.
    “My wife, I beg you. Please forgive me. I will not repeat the mistake I did. Forgive me (cries),” begged nancy’s husband.
    Police ineldoret town arrested the man.

    Thursday 25 January 2018


    Yvonne Wamalwa, widow of the late former Vice President Michael Wamalwa Kijana has passed away. Water CS Eugene Wamalwa has confirmed.
    According to sources close to the family, Yvonne died at her sister’s home in Nanyuki today morning. CS Eugene Wamalwa has also confirmed that the family is making arrangements to airlift the body to Lee Funeral Home in Nairobi.
    Yvonne served as Deputy Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations Habitat after the death of her husband, Wamalwa Kijana in 2003.  In 2014, She was appointed as Deputy Director in charge of parliamentary and county affairs in the country.
    She was working closely with Ambassador Eliphas Barine, the director in charge of parliamentary and county affairs, to form a cohesive and harmonious relationship between the national and the county governments on foreign policy matters.
    More details to follow…


    New details have emerged over the fight that erupted at Jamhuri High School, where over 35 students were reportedly left injured.
    Away from the previous information that the brawl was over religious differences, a report by the Standard now indicates that the fight first broke out over a cup.
    According to the local daily, a Form Four prefect confronted a Form Two student, a day scholar, and accused him of being in possession of a cup meant for boarders.
    Police at Jamhuri High School after fight broke out leaving over 35 students injured (Facebook)
    As per the regulations at the institution, there are different color codes for utensils to distinguish boarders from day scholars. It is said that the prefect then slapped the Form Two student.
    Speaking to the paper the student said: “The senator (prefect) slapped me for using a cup I had borrowed from my friend who is a boarder.I had forgotten mine at home. I reported the matter and the prefect later turned against me.”
    The victim added that after reporting the matter to the administration, the prefect together with four other boys attacked him at around 7 pm while on his way home and brutally beat him.
    He was taken to Al Amin Hospital for treatment and later proceeded to Pangani Police Station in the company of his parents to record a statement under OB 84/23/01/2018.
    Series of fights
    This Tuesday incident was the beginning of a series of retaliation fights among the students.
    It is reported that the day scholars carried knives and other weapons to the institution which they used in the Wednesday which some of the learners were stabbed.
    Students at Jamhuri High School carried to an ambulance after overnight fight (Twitter)
    It is said that the principal, Fred Awuor, tried to calm the situation but was overpowered by the students who asked him to leave the school.
    This fight was what hit headlines on Wednesday with Nairobi Police Commandant Japheth Koome and his team heading to the institution.
    Others students accused prefects of favoring one group over another hence causing discrimination at the schools
    “A section of prefects target specific groups of students and mistreat them. When you report, the principal does not act,” a Form three student was quoted by the Standard as saying.
    On Wednesday, the school was closed indefinitely as investigations commence.

    Sunday 12 June 2016


    By our reporter
    A woman purportedly young  but aged 33 is trying to win men on social media popurly known as  Facebook.
    Caroll Njeri not her real name is using all means to win men and date them pretending to be a virgin.Sources close to us told thecountywatch ,the woman who appears in different images is becoming a bad talk in town and radios as is termed as a fraudstar.
    Caroll who dropped out of school in 2002 under unknown circumstances is believed to have been a burden to her parents before a demonic acts camped into her.
    It is also believed that she is a salonist "untrained" just opposite friends hotell in kakamega along mumias kakamega road.
    Lately the woman is said to be dating a stressed AP who was recently recruited from the discipline forces after serving NYS for sometimes.
    Different cases have been reported including the case of a  some journalists who were also coned.Her real names Caroline Makuba but on facebook is  Caroll Njeri(browny)  You mean such a name then you are a culprit.investigation is underway to  bring the girl to book as she is even splitting the house of many couples.

    Friday 13 May 2016


    A man was Friday injured after falling off a helicopter that had delivered the body of slain businessman Jacob Juma in Bungoma.
    The man said to be a boda-boda rider clung on the chopper's skid as it lifted from the ground.
    Despite cries and signals from the villagers, the pilot seemed not to notice the man hanging on the landing skid as the aircraft gained momentum.
    After falling from the plane he was rushed to hospital following the injuries he had sustained.
    Meanwhile, the public viewed Juma’s body at the Bungoma Posta grounds and not Kanduyi stadium as earlier announced.
    The bold government critic was killed a week ago by unknown men with his body being found near Lenana School in Karen.
    Juma will be laid to rest on Saturday at his family home in Mungore village, Bumula Constituency.