Wednesday 20 January 2016


The Coast region is proving to be a key battleground for Jubilee and Cord, with opposition leader Raila Odinga expected there this weekend.
The Cord leader lands at the Coast as President Uhuru Kenyatta continues his working tour of the region that kicked off on December 24.
The two political camps will be fighting it out for the Malindi by-election, with Raila expected to kick off ODM candidate Willy Mtengo’s run on Friday.
Uhuru has already campaigned for Jubilee candidate Philip Charo this week, despite earlier insisting that he was not at the Coast for political competition.
On the other hand, Raila is leading ODM in its bid to recapture the seat that fell vacant after Uhuru poached former MP Dan Kazungu and made him the Mining Cabinet Secretary.
Cord leaders led by governors Amason Kingi (Kilifi) and Hassan Joho (Mombasa) have been complaining about the President’s approach and strategy.
Kingi and Joho have also said that Uhuru has been undermining the spirit of devolution and sidelining them, accusing him of using the state machinery to intimidate them.
According to Nicholas Zani, an ODM politician, Raila will have to come to the Coast to campaign, saying ODM is taking the issue seriously.
“We believe ODM is the only party that can deliver and so we have to prove that,” said Zani.
Raila’s presence will boost his foot soldiers Joho and Kingi’s confidence as they have been at the receiving end from the ruling Jubilee Party throughout Uhuru’s extended stay.
Raila comes to guard against a possible falling out in ODM following Saturday’s nomination protests that culminated in naming Mtengo as the Cord flag-bearer on Tuesday amid protests from Justin Baya, who is contemplating defection.
On Tuesday afternoon at Mtwapa, Uhuru hit out at leaders, saying he is “not in competition with them”.
This was just hours after Raila, in Nairobi, declared ODM would win the Malindi seat even if Uhuru “camps in Kilifi for a whole year”.
Uhuru said he is only working to fulfill pledges he made to Kenyans and his only competition is the time given to him to achieve his goals.
“I am not in competition with any governor, any MP or any other leader. No one will stop me from doing what Kenyans elected me to do. I will implement development in all parts of the country without discrimination,” he said.
Kilifi North MP Gideon Mung’aro, his Kilifi South counterpart Mustafa Iddi and Ganze MP Peter Shehe urged the two governors to respect the President.
They said Joho and Kingi should “go slow” on criticizing the President for his longest and most historic stay in the region.
“He is the only President all Kenyans have and must be respected, irrespective of the political allegiance we have. Governors Kingi and Joho need to cooperate with Uhuru to actualize their development agenda for their people,” Shehe said.
Mung’aro, who has been in the presidential entourage in the Mombasa, Kwale and Kilifi tours, said Uhuru has good plans for the Coast people, but needs to be given the space and time to implement them.


The fate of at least 12 Kenyan soldiers held by al Shabaab remains unknown, almost a week after the attack on the KDF El Adde base inside Somalia.
Sources in Somalia said the militants have moved the hostages from a village towards Jilib in the Middle Juba region on the main road from the capital Mogadishu.
A top commander only identified as Major Obuoge is said to be among those captured. Military officials will neither deny nor confirm the claims.
It is not known whether in moving the hostages the terror group was escaping from aerial bombardment by the Kenya Air Force.
Amisom seeks to reclaim the base lost after last Friday’s attack.
Jilib is the stronghold of the militants’ leadership, including leader Ahmed Abu Ubaydah. The terrorists are believed to have escaped with a Kenya-owned armoured personnel carrier seized during the attack.
Residents of El Adde and villages nearby said they heard loud explosions from the direction of the besieged KDF base on the morning of the attack.
Some al ShabaabAFFILIATED WEBSITES purportedly showed the militants inspecting military vehicles they seized from the base. They also showed razed military vehicles.
Shabaab spokesman Abdiaziz Abu Mus’ab, through Radio Andalus, which is owned by the group, said the soldiers “are in mujahedeen jail”.
On Saturday, al Shabaab also broadcast recorded voices of what they said were captured KDF soldiers.
One of the alleged captives said he is called Isaac Balewa. “I’m appealing to the government of Kenya and the African Union to facilitate our release peacefully from al Shabaab so that we can go on with our daily lives,” he is heard saying.
Military officials said the operation to rescue the officers is very delicate as they are being used as human shields.
“We don’t want more casualties,” the Chief of Defence Forces, Gen Samson Mwathethe, said on Sunday.
The scene of the attack remains dangerous, as it is believed the terrorists may have heavily mined and booby-trapped it. The bodies of Kenyan soldiers are said to be still at the scene of attack, which is now almost inaccessible.
So far, about 30 survivors and an unknown number of bodies have been brought back to Nairobi kenya

Tuesday 19 January 2016


Officer Linda Okello who gained popularity over a skirt deemed immodest, has been demoted following corruption allegations.
Okello shot to fame when images of her in the skirt went viral on social media. The officer was later voted one of the woman representatives in the service.
She landed in trouble when Sh1,000 was found in her pocket during a sting operation last Saturday on officers receiving bribes at Kirigiti area in Kiambu.
Two of her colleagues escaped but Okello stayed put. Traffic commandant Jacinta Muthoni sanctioned disciplinary action against her.
Okello was demoted from a corporal to a constable. The decision has drawn mixed reactions from the rank and file in the police force.
An officer who sought anonymity said it was unfair to demote Okello without evidence of corruption. Others want her charged in court.
Reached for comment on Tuesday, Muthoni told thecountywatchkenya: "I cannot comment on administrative issues. Who leaked the information? I will not comment; ask the higher authorities."


Raila Odinga has laughed off President Uhuru Kenyatta's stay at the Coast since December 24, 2015 saying his campaigns are "a waste of time".
The Cord leader accused Uhuru of using the trip meant for the launch of development projects to campaign for Jubilee ahead of the 2017 general election.
"Even if Uhuru stays in Mombasa for one year, I will only need a day to recapture support," Raila said on Tuesday.
He said the people of the Coast cannot vote for Jubilee in the election as it is a Cord stronghold.
Uhuru has been running the government from State House, Mombasa in what has been seen as the state's strategy to endear itself to the people.
But he did not get a warm reception from Governors Hassan Joho (Mombasa) and Amason Kingi (Kilifi), both key allies of Raila's.
Regarding the Malindi Member of Parliament seat, Raila said: "From last year Christmas, Uhuru has been in Mombasa, but we will clinch it."
The seat fell vacant when Dan Kazungu resigned and took over as Mining Cabinet Secretary following a nomination by the President. The Malindi constituency by-election is set for March 7.
ODM election board on Tuesday announced Willy Baraka Mtego as the party flag bearer after acrimonious nominations. 10 aspirants had contested for the party's nomination.
The Opposition chief reiterated Cord's plan to defeat the Jubilee government in the next poll, by five million votes, saying its leaders have failed to provide basic services.
"Cord soldiers, I direct you... Take up your weapons - get IDs and voters' cards - so that if I say 'forward match' it is 'forward match'. If I say 'fire', you fire," he told cheerful supporters outside Milimani law courts.
This was after the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission cleared Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang'ula of voter bribery claims during the March 4, 2013 general election.
Regarding national issues that have plagued the Jubilee government, Raila said: "If it comes to lands you know who the Kingpin is. If it is the Eurobond... In fact we are not yet done with the Eurobond."
In his latest remarks on the Sh250 billion fund, Raila named several people as "persons of interest" in what he says was the misuse of funds.

Monday 18 January 2016


PRESIDENT Uhuru Kenyatta has ordered an audit of how public primary and secondary schools have spent the billions in free learning cash released to them across three years.
Free Primary Education funds were first rolled out in 2003, with each child getting Sh1,020 per year.
In 2014, the Jubilee government increased FPE to Sh1,420 to cater for an estimated enrollment of about 10 million children in about 23,000 public primary schools. Annually this costs Sh14 billion.
The FPE cash is divided into school instructional materials and the general purpose account that initially got Sh650 and Sh350 respectively, totaling Sh1,020.
With the increase of capitation to Sh1,420, it is unclear which components benefited most, although the general purpose account is said to have got the larger share of the Sh400 increment.
Cash for Free Day Secondary Education started in 2008, with an initial capitation grant of Sh10,265 per student per year.
The Secondary fund has been increased to Sh12,870 and currently benefits about 2.3 million students in about 8,000 secondary schools. Every year Sh30 billion is released to the Secondary School programme.
The FDSE increase of Sh2,065 mainly benefited the tuition, repair maintenance improvements, transport, insurance and electricity and water conservancy vote heads.
Uhuru’s directive on the audit was confirmed by Education Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, who said: “The President has demanded that the audit be carried out in seven days, and the report presented to him on Thursday this week.”
The billions of shillings released by government that trickles down to the schools in the thousands and millions has to be accounted for to enhance quality education, Matiang’i said in what appears like a wake-up call to school heads who continue to charge parents extra levies despite government financial support to schools.
Matiang’i said the audit would establish how the amount of money received by schools was spent from 2013, when Jubilee was elected.
The CS added that while schools continue to charge extra levies the government has disbursed an estimated Sh150 billion in the last three years to cater for maintenance and infrastructure alone.
It is unclear how the counties will manage to corroborate the audit in seven days.
In 2009, a forensic audit by Treasury discovered that between Sh4.6 billion to Sh8.2 billion, mainly donor cash for FPE for the period between 2005 and 2009, could not be accounted for at Education ministry level.
The donors promptly stopped funding FPE.


AFTER heated four-day submissions at The Hague, focus now shifts to two critical decisions in the case against Deputy President William Ruto and journalist Joshua Sang.
The no-case-to-answer hearings ended last Friday, with judges questioning why the prosecution wanted them to look at the quantity and not the quality of evidence.
The first decision is on the use of recanted evidence at the Appeals Chamber, which will weigh heavily on the no-case-to-answer application.
The trial judges allowed ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to use primary statements of five witnesses who recanted their evidence, under Rule 68.
Ruto and Sang, however, appealed the decision while Kenya used diplomatic means to have the Assembly of States Parties restate that the rule cannot be used retroactively. Bensouda has told the Appeal judges to ignore the agreement reached by the ASP last year, saying it was irrelevant to the proceedings.
If the Appeals Chamber rules in favour of Ruto and Sang, she could lose what she has termed crucial evidence that can aid a conviction.
“Without the prior recorded statements the prosecution would be deprived of a significant portion of the incriminating evidence against the accused,” Bensouda told the trial judges before their decision.
The second decision will arise from last week’s hearings, in which Ruto and Sang are seeking to have the cases terminated.
Ruto said his case was in tatters even before the trial started, adding that the judges should not only consider the amount of evidence presented, but how credible it is.


PRESIDENT Uhuru Kenyatta is considering elevating an important budget office to a division of State House and appointing former Devolution CS Anne Waiguru to head it.
The proposal has met fierce opposition by senior government officials.
According to sources privy to the strategy, it has caused a falling out among top government officials, with one group working round the clock to ensure the former powerful Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary does not come back.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has been a unit in the Ministry of Devolution.
Sources say the President has also considered giving Waiguru the Secretary to the Cabinet position, which remains vacant after Francis Kimemia’s exit.
Uhuru's earlier choice for the job, Monica Juma, was rejected by Parliament and is now the Principal Secretary in the Foreign Affairs ministry.
The Star has learnt the growing opposition by senior government officials to Waiguru’s possible return to the fold includes State House officials.
Some of those opposed to her return have argued that giving her such a position would make her one of the most powerful people in government.
“Those opposed to Waiguru's return argue that this would help propel the idea that State House has been shielding her. They also argue that the President would have a hard time seeking parliamentary approval if it is needed for her new position,” the source said.
Other sources told the Star that some of those opposed to her return fear she will take away their power and block their commercial vested interests in key government tenders.
One group of those opposed to her return reportedly met at the Ole Sereni Hotel last Wednesday to plot how to ensure she does not come back.
Those present included a top official at the Attorney General's office, the son of a top State House official and an MP from the Central region.
Another meeting has since been held in Muthaiga at the MP’s residence.
“The discussion was on engaging an American lawyer to manufacture claims that she has offshore accounts holding Sh4 billion,” said a source privy to the meetings.
When she quit her job in December, Waiguru said that she would take up “light duties” if Uhuru deemed it fit to give her another job.
She repeated this in a recent interview with Citizen TV, where she accused various forces of a witch-hunt, adding that she was no longer naive.
“I am not as naive as I was before, I trusted everybody I came across . . . now I take most things with a pinch of salt,” Waiguru said in the interview.
The Office of Management and Budget, a concept popular in the US, is supposed to be operational from February 2016, according to sources in government.
The OMB is the largest office in the Executive Office of the US President based in the White House and is replicated across America in the governors’ offices.


Twelve people were killed and 15 injured on Sunday, in four separate accidents, three of which occurred in Homa Bay county.
In the first accident in the morning, a lorry driver lost control and crashed into a boda boda ferrying three passengers at Kadel trading center in Rachuonyo North subcounty.
The boda boda rider and two passengers died at the scene while the third victim was taken to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital with injuries.
The lorry driver is said to have continued to Nyangweso trading centre where he rammed into a house killing a six-year-old boy.
The boy's mother and three siblings were injured and taken to the county hospital.
In the third incident, a mother and her three children died when a matatu headed from Oyugis to Kisumu collided with the boda boda they were travelling on. Boda boda rider Samson Owiti also died in the accident.
The mother and children were identified as 45 year-old Silpa Adhiambo and her children Michel Awuor (six), Ida Akinyi (nine) and Sivia Akinyi (12).
Witness William Oindi said the accident occurred while three matatus rushed to pick passengers.
"The motorcycle was on a dangerous part of the road. The driver of the first matatu did not alert the one behind him. The vehicle rammed into the motorcycle before landing on its side off the road," he said.
Homa Bay county commander John Omusanga said the matatu driver was arrested and taken to Oyugis police station.
"We have launched investigations so that legal measures are taken against those who bend traffic laws,” Omusanga said.
He said the bodies of those who died in Rachuonyo and that of the six year-old boy were taken to the the Homa Bay hospital mortuary.
The bodies of the victims of the third accident were taken to Rachuonyo subcounty hospital mortuary.
In the fourth accident which occurred in the evening, three people were killed and 10 injured when a matatu collided with a private car at Munami along Busia-Bungoma road.
Two people died at the scene and one upon arrival at St Mary's Hospital in Mumias, where those injured were taken.
St John Ambulance communications manager Fred Majiwa said those who died were a three year-old child and his parents.


Two Kenyan soldiers who survived the al Shabaab attack on an African Union base in El Adde, Somalia, tried in vain to call their families and seniors.
Private officer Joseph Muganda and a colleague escaped with their guns and mobile phones after the ambush last Friday.
The militants rammed a suicide car bomb into the gates of the base in Ceel Cado, about 550 km west of Mogadishu, near the Kenyan border, before their fighters burst inside.
The attack was reportedly launched against a company-size force of soldiers but it was not clear if this was the size of the Kenyan contingent in the area. A military company can range between 80 to 250 soldiers.
Muganda said they escaped to a bush and tried to figure a way out. He said he could not have fled without his colleague who sustained a leg injury.
The Kenya Defence Forces found the two survivors at Busara area, a few metres from the camp on Sunday.
They had served in Somalia for two weeks and were among four soldiers who were airlifted to Wilson Airport in Nairobi early Sunday in stable condition.
In a statement at the airport on Sunday, Defence CS Raychelle Omamo said other soldiers were earlier flown in via Moi Air Base.
Details will be sent directly to families, Omamo said, adding: "Allow the families privacy as they mourn. Full details of those injured and killed will be made public after families affected are notified."
The CS said more KDF troops, alongside others serving under Amisom, will be deployed to the camp following the attack whose number of casualties is yet to be released.
Chief of Defence Forces Samson Mwathethe said reports suggested al Shabaab militants in Somalia were using KDF soldiers as human shields.
He noted the need for details on the assault but asked the public not to share information that could compromise Kenyan troops' pursuit of the terrorists.
Al Shabaab's earlier claimed it captured soldiers in the ambush but did not give the number of soldiers being held. The group also said in a statement that more than 100soldiers were killed, revising the number up from 63.
Some Somali websites reported 15 KDF soldiers were still stranded and had been hiding in bushes away from the camp.
Others published that the al Qaeda-linked militants captured 12 soldiers in the attack.

Wednesday 13 January 2016


Cord leader Raila Odinga has criticised the President for ordering the review of proposed religion laws saying he chaired the Cabinet meeting that discussed them.
The Attorney General and the Communications Authority proposed the rules aimed at deterring religious groups from swindling the public, money laundering and terrorism.
"The AG gets instructions from the Cabinet which is chaired by the President Uhuru Kenyatta. He cannot come around to order the AG to negotiate with religious leaders yet he chaired the meeting," Raila said.
The Opposition leader accused Uhuru of being "dishonest about religion woes" and "encroaching on the lives of Kenyans" through the proposed laws.
"The state has no business regulating how people decide to worship, with whom or where. If religious people go against the law, they should be treated like all other Kenyans," he said.
During a press conference at Capitol Hill in Nairobi on Wednesday, Raila said clerics cannot be separated from the rest of the public and specific rules applied to them.
"If a pastor carried out fraud, it is not special fraud. Why are we setting special rules for pastors? If people decide to give the church or their pastors money, the state has no business telling them that they cannot," he said.
Religions and churches are founded on people’s charity and "to kill charity is to kill religion and the church", he said, and added it encompasses a calling.
"Religious leadership is a gift. You cannot train people into religious inspiration. Taxing the church is double taxation. It is like taxing harambees. The money going to the church has already been taxed," he said.
The Cord leader said the requirement in the new law, for religious associations to be registered, infringes upon the right to worship.
He said registration should be reserved for associations seeking to operate as recognised institutions.
Raila further said the government has enough problems to deal with and should not "invent" new ones.
"There is no need to fix what is working. There is no crisis in the church today. There is no need for the intervention of the state," he said.
Raila noted that the approach to religion is that the state must keep off religious affairs; article 8 of the constitution states "there shall be no state religion".
Article 32 (2) says "every person has the right, either individually or in community with others, in public or in private, to manifest any religion or belief through worship, practice, teaching or observance, including observance of a day of worship".
On Tuesday, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka said the Jubilee government does not respect the freedom of worship in Kenya.
In a statement from Europe, Kalonzo condemned the government for the "sustained curtailing of freedoms guaranteed in the constitution".
Officials of more than 200 churches in Nyeri county opposed the laws saying fraudster preachers should be jailed but the freedom of worship maintained.

Tuesday 12 January 2016


A UK court has accused the Kenyan government of dragging its feet in convicting Kenyans involved in the Chickengate scandal despite British liaison efforts.
The London court fined printing firm Smith & Ouzman Ltd £2.2 million (Sh350 million) for bribing Kenyan state officers.
The EACC has made little headway in local investigations and no one has been charged over the matter to date, almost a year after the UK company directors were charged.
“The Crown have indicated that they have tried to liaise with the respective governments [Kenya and Mauritius] to identify a means by which compensation may be paid it being their policy whenever practical to seek compensation,” the ruling reads.
“However, they are not positively pursuing compensation in this case.”
Judge Andrew Mitchell said there has never been a formal request from Kenya for compensation and he is unsure the affected states have taken any steps to recover the looted cash from their own officials.
However, Assets Recovery Agency director Muthoni Kimani refuted claims it is unwilling to pursue the Chickengate cash.
“We will sit down properly with the UK government over this matter,” she told the Star.
The British directors paid out bribes codenamed ‘chicken’ totalling Sh53 million to Kenyan electoral and examination officials to win lucrative printing contracts.


Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong has denied neglecting a boy, saying allegations made by the mother are extortion.
He also said his wife Judy, his daughter and he himself could care for the child, who is four years and eight months old.
In a text message to the Star yesterday, Ojaamong did not confirm or deny paternity but said he was aware of both the boy and his mother.
The governor said the woman is “extremely unrealistic, unreasonable and a terrible extortionist”.
“Tell her to seek legal redress. She has three children from different fathers. I can only support the purported child through legal understanding and not street talks,” he said.
The governor said if the woman wishes, she can take the child to his home.
Noting basic education, health and food is free in Kenya, Ojaamong told the Star to interview the woman’s other “husbands”.
The Star was unable to get comment from Ojaamong’s lawyer Dustan Omari.
He threatened “to sue the Star if it dare publish the story about the boy”.
This was after the boy’s mother said she conceived the child with Ojaamong, and threatened to sue him for allegedly neglecting his paternal responsibilities.
The woman said her efforts to compel Ojaamong to support her son have been futile, as he is influencing lawyers to intimidate her.
In a separate interview with the Star, the woman said she cohabited with the governor in 2010 after divorcing her husband and bore Ojaamong a son.
“When I gave birth to our son in 2011, he is the one who paid Sh130,000 to cater for my bills at the private wing in Kenyatta National Hospital after I underwent a caesarian section,” she said.
The woman said the governor had been supporting her with money through M-Pesa.
“We loved each other and the governor promised to provide medical cover for the boy, pay rent for us and pay his school fees,” she said.
“At the time he would go to school, he was to provide a vehicle to facilitate transport and other maintenance expenses. But unfortunately he has neglected all of them.”


The polls agency has dismissed claims by Cord leaders that it is ill-prepared to handle next year’s General Election.
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on Tuesday said there was no crisis regarding voter registration kits, a day after Cord lawmakers said there was a ploy to under-supply opposition strongholds with the machines.
IEBC Chief Executive Officer Ezra Chiloba said: “We don’t have a crisis concerning the number of registration kits. The challenge we have is adequate resources to do the work over a longer period and employ the necessary staff to do the work.”
The National Treasury allocated the commission Sh500 million for voter registration against a request of Sh2 billion.
Mr Chiloba termed as shocking utterances by Opposition MPs that the commission was training intelligence officers to engage them as electoral officers. He warned that such statements were likely to polarise the country and create voter apathy.
“That is misinformation and it is unacceptable,” he said. “We feel it is one way of creating unnecessary tension in the political space and I don’t think we take that kindly.”
He spoke at the end of a two-day meeting between the commission and political parties at the Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha.
Among the issues discussed was the planned mass voter registration that starts next month and ends in March.
Cord MPs claimed on Monday that the commission was favouring Jubilee strongholds in the distribution of voter registration materials and equipment. They further claimed that the commission was ill-prepared for the extensive voter listing, and called for its postponement.
But on Tuesday, National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale said the demand by Cord was a ploy to make the IEBC drop a case against Senate Minority Leader Moses Wetang’ula. The hearing on whether Mr Wetang’ula, a Cord leader, should be removed from the voters’ register opened in Nairobi on Tuesday.
“It is no coincidence that a hyperbolic, alarmist, unfounded and ill-conceived statement was released hours after a Cord co-principal, Senator Moses Wetang’ula, appeared before the IEBC, pursuant to orders of the Supreme Court arising out of the finding that Wetang’ula committed election offences,” Mr Duale said in a statement.
In Naivasha, Mr Chiloba said the statements made by ODM Chairman John Mbadi and lawmakers Moses Kajwang’, Fred Outa and Eseli Simiyu were premature and ill-informed.
“We were a bit surprised,” he said. “It is true that they had raised some issues and wrote to us last week. We were preparing to respond. However, they went to the media before we could reply to their request.”
He said the commission was ready to share with the public all the relevant information regarding the planned voter registration for the sake of transparency.
“Yesterday, they raised an issue about voter registration, and that is what we were actually discussing at the retreat where they were represented,” said Mr Chiloba.
IEBC Chairman Issack Hassan said it will not be necessary to extend the term of the commissioners.
In his view, the present polls team can conduct the 2017 General Election and deliver results and even manage a run-off within the time provided.


Cord leader Raila Odinga yesterday warned that the opposition will not accept anything short of a clearance of Moses Wetang’ula from Supreme Court findings of voter bribery.
Raila was addressing Cord supporters outside the Milimani courts, Nairobi, as Wetang’ula appeared before an electoral inquiry that will decide his political career for the next five years.
He faces the prospect of his name being struck off the voters’ register over election offences.
“The IEBC should clear Wetang’ula because this is a Jubilee agenda and we know it. They are panicking. That is why they are trying every trick in the book, but I want to tell them we will not be pushed,” Raila told hundreds of supporters.
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission inquiry is led by Thomas Letangule, commissioners Lilian Mahiri-Zaja and Mohamed Alawi and is considering a report of the Supreme Court that found Wetang’ula to have committed the offences during the 2013 general election.
However, Raila, who sat through the entire proceedings, accused Jubilee of victimising the Senator for Bungoma, who is also a Cord principal.
“The game they [Jubilee] are trying, former presidents Moi and Kibaki tried but flopped miserably. Jubilee is known to steal elections and that is why they are frustrating Wetang’ula,” he said.
Earlier in the day, Wetang’ula's defence team, led by James Orengo and Edwin Sifuna, tore into the Supreme Court report, dismissing its findings as not based on law when it comes to having the senator’s name deleted from the voter register.
The report recommended to the IEBC that it consider whether the senator's name should be removed from the role of registered voters.
Orengo argued that the inquiry should accord Wetang’ula a fair hearing.
Orengo, the Siaya Senator, said that section 87 (3) of the Elections Act was used by the courts against his client is of doubtful constitutionality and that because the matter is criminal the electoral court has no competence in it.
“The situation you are in is of doubtful penalization. If you find yourself in this position, the best you can do is rule in favour of the person who is appearing before you. It is a doctrine that has survived hundreds of centuries,” Orengo said.
Orengo told the inquiry that is set to deliver its ruling before January 20, 2016, the High Court in Bungoma did not convict Wetang’ula of the electoral offence.
At one point, Letangule wondered out loud, “Why are we here?”

Wednesday 6 January 2016


Born in Transnzoia Mark Kimungui Barasa alias
doctor Tunde is swiftly becoming popular to many listeners around western Kenya and its environs.Tunde who once worked with KBC is now a one of the dependable presenters cum comedian in the station.

Tuesday 5 January 2016


The opposition chiefs yesterday accused the Jubilee Coalition of “laying the groundwork” to steal the 2017 polls.
Cord’s bigwigs said President Uhuru Kenyatta is presiding over the most corrupt administration in Kenya’s history and claimed that proceeds from corruption have been invested in the machinery for rigging the general election.
Cord announced they will conduct a lifestyle audit of Deputy President William Ruto and accused him of splashing around public cash to buy opposition MPs to join government.
“The DP must desist from making these unhelpful trips [to opposition strongholds] because he is squandering public funds,” he said.
Kisumu Senator Anyang’ Nyong’o said Cord will soon start compiling a lifestyle audit on Ruto, saying the coalition suspects his “political tourism” is funded by Eurobond cash.
At a press conference, Cord co-principals Raila Odinga and Moses Wetang’ula insisted that the coalition will accept nothing less than a free and fair election in 2017.
“You must know, as we all do, that this country cannot and must not risk another election that does not enjoy the confidence of all parties,” Raila said during the function held at the Serena Hotel, Nairobi.
Among the issues the leaders raised are failure by the state to fund the IEBC to properly prepare for the election and failure by the government to address serious legitimacy issues surrounding the commissioners following the controversy of the 2013 elections.
Raila said failure by the IEBC to prepare for the election favours the incumbent.
“We will not sit by and let the Jubilee administration undo all we have struggled for, a struggle in which many lives have been lost and many years of freedom lost,” he said.
Raila said President Uhuru has rejected discussions with the opposition on how to ensure there is a level playing field ahead of 2017 and an IEBC acceptable to all.
The former Prime Minister told Kenyans to stand up and defend the constitution, saying they have a right to demand accountability for their taxes and money borrowed in their name.
He said every Kenyan of 18 years and above has a right to vote in a free and fair election and urged them to demand that the government delivers on this. “We urge all young people who have attained the age of 18 and who have not been issued with ID cards to demand to be issued with IDs without delay.”
Among other things, Raila announced the Cord agenda for 2016 includes challenging “the retrogressive laws approved by the President”.
The laws include the amendments to the Judicial Service Commission Act, the National Police Service Act and the Public Audit Act.
Through the amendments, the President has recovered powers to appoint the Chief Justice, hire and dismiss the Inspector General of Police and the deputies. The Auditor General is also losing his independent powers.
“We are back to the era when the President would dismiss or appoint the head of Police or head of Judiciary through a 1pm radio announcement.”
Cord pledged to challenge the law amendments and promised to “vigorously” pursue its Okoa Kenya referendum and accountability for and recovery of the proceeds of the Eurobond


A suspected kidnapper was shot dead while his two accomplices fled in Githurai 44, Nairobi, on Tuesday morning.
The trio allegedly kidnapped Gilbert Langat while he headed home from work at 6am and forced him into a thicket in Miaraho farm on the Northern bypass.
Langat, a guard with Intercity Security, told The Star the kidnappers demanded Sh10,000 to release him.
"I alerted my colleagues who sent Sh2,000 through M-Pesa and immediately alerted the police," he said, adding the attackers frisked him and stole his mobile phone, a wedding ring and boots.
Kiambu police boss Stephen Ng'etich said Langat was found with his hands tied with a rope.
Ng'etich said the kidnappers escaped in different directions when his officers ordered them to surrender.
"My officers shot and fatally injured one unknown male adult and recovered a mobile phone, a pair of boots, a jacket, a wedding ring and two knives," he said.
Thugs have in the past robbed and raped women on the undeveloped private piece of land that was once a coffee farm.
The body was taken to City Mortuary.

Sunday 3 January 2016


Political leaders in Garissa county have accused the Kenya Defence Forces of grabbing grazing land in Modika town.
They said the army has started fencing off the 40 Squares community land to build military barracks.
Speaking to the Star on the phone yesterday, Garissa Township MP Aden Duale urged the military to cease or be sued.
"They should restrict themselves to their land until this issue is resolved amicably," he said.
Leaders who agreed with him include area MP Balambala MP Abdikadir Omar.
Others are MCAs Abdiwahab Suleiman (Sankuri), Mahat Osman (Jarajilla) and Noor Osman (Danyere), who spoke to the press in Modika.
Duale urged KDF to consult before proceeding with any construction works.
They should talk to residents, the National Land Commission and the Lands ministry, he said.
Omar said the army is violating land laws.
“It is unacceptable take any land without involving the community who are likely to be displaced,” he said.
"KDF's actions are intimidation and abuse of the our community's right to ownership of their God-given land."
The MP said the territory is "the only remaining grazing land" in the constituency.
The MCAs said the land is a lifeline for pastoralists.
They said they will play their oversight role to ensure the it is not taken away forcibly by any government agency.
“It has a water point for livestock and residents,,” Suleiman said.
The MCA said residents were shocked to see vehicles transporting building materials to fence off the land.
Suleiman said they found out from government agencies the land was earmarked for military barracks.


Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko has forgiven the five suspects who trailed him and his entourage from Machakos to Nyali for about five hours on Tuesday night.
Sonko said he convinced the police to release the suspects so that they can connect with their family members in ushering in new year.
"Despite having several enemies, my conscience was not clear. I begged police to release them," he said on phone.
The five were release on Thursday after spending a night at Nyali Police station but ordered to appear before Mombasa CID on January 10 for more questioning.
According to one of the detective who sought anonymity said their gadgets are being monitored keenly.
"They will report on January 10, we took all the details including finger prints." he said.
The suspects who were in a Porsche Cayenne (KCB 209H) and a Range Rover Vogue (KBJ 630V), were identified as Benard Kirimi, Josiah Omutuko, Willy Omundo, Dennis Ondula and Mohammed Liban.
The Star has established that Mohamed Liban Mohmaed was booked in two Presidential suits at Whitesands hotel in Mombasa.


Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria and Kiambu Governor William Kabogo have assured the Kalenjin community that their Kikuyu counterparts will not abandon Deputy President William Ruto in his bid for the presidency in 2022.
Kuria said the Kikuyu community of today is sincere and would not make any political mistakes to disown Ruto at eleventh hour.
Governor Kabogo said Uhuru and Ruto unity in 2013 general election was to unite the Kalenjin and Kikuyu communities in Rift Valley and that member Central Kenya will not make any political mistake to support any other person other than Ruto to succeed Uhuru in 2022.
In 2017 general election, Kuria said they will support Uhuru and Ruto under the new political oufit Jubilee Party of Kenya(JPK).
They spoke at Kabianga High School sports grounds in Belgut during the home coming party for the newly appointed Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter.


A man accused of hacking his three-year-old nephew to death over a land dispute was lynched in Marakwet East on Friday.
Julius Cheserek, 30, allegedly killed baby Calmax Kiplimo at their home in Karel village, Kerio Valley, using a panga after a meeting on the dispute.
Cheserek is believed to have killed the baby after elders decided against him in the case involving his brothers and cousins, said police boss Emmanuel Rono.
“The deceased may have unleashed his anger on his opponent’s child as revenge. We have launched investigations," Rono said.
He said Cheresek fled after the baby was killed but that villagers looked for him and lynched him.


Five hundred death row prisoners have joined the Naivasha GK Prison learning programme that is part of reforms in the penal department.
Education has become key to reforming prisoners, Reform facility officer in charge Patrick Mwendwa noted, adding the programme has at least 1,500 members.
“For years death row inmates have not been allowed to work or join any learning programme but we have decided to change this,” Mwendwa said.
He spoke at the prison on Sunday after hosting visitors who promised that volunteering teacher-inmates would undergo formal training.
Mwendwa welcomed the training saying it would improve the standard of education at the facility and improve 87 instructors' teaching skills.
Mt Kenya University quality assurance director Peter Wanderi said ways to implementing the programme were being sought.
Wanderi said he would urge academics to offer in service training to teacher-inmates before ways of offering structured training through an established curriculum are established.
“I am impressed by the inmates' ability to teach but they still require basic training that will enable them discharge their teaching duties effectively,” he said.
Wanderi congratulated the institution on top performers, noting this was despite the lack of teaching materials and qualified personnel.
He was in the company of Germany-based Jane Muchiri-Marquard who has, since 2014, donated Sh300,000 for the education programme.
Muchiri-Marquard praised the reforms that include the introduction of formal education.
She said the annual donation was made in partnership with well-wishers keen on supporting the education programme.
Volunteer Esther Wagaki said she would introduce an e-mentoring programme to enable prisoners share ideologies.
“We have realised some of them have composed songs and produced documentaries which they can market online,” she said.

Saturday 2 January 2016


Coast police have foiled two New Year's Eve terror attacks targeting a Kilifi county police station and a popular nightclub in Mombasa.
Had they succeeded, the suspected al Shabaab terrorists would have caused numerous casualties and maximum damage, police said.
They did not identify the nightspot or the police station.
A wanted terror suspect was arrested on Tuesday.
Forty-three 43 suspected Mombasa Republican Council members were arrested on Thursday at Tiwi, Kwale county commissioner Evans Achoki said.
Intelligence reports said the nightclub and police station attacks had been planned by al Shabaab militants who sneaked out of Boni Forest on Tuesday night, evading a major security operation to flush them out.
Regional police commandant Francis Wanjohi said the attacks were to be launched when thousands of revellers were ushering in 2016 at churches, clubs and other entertainment venues.
“We share a lot of information with different agencies, including spymasters. That's why we managed to foil the two intended attacks planned to do maximum damage,” Wanjohi said.
All police and security agencies are working around the clock throughout the Coast region, he said.
More Boni Forest has been the site of a massive operation to drive out more than 300 al Shabaab militants based in the vast forest.
On Tuesday, the General Service Unit mounted a roadblock around Kona ya Musa at Ukunda where they nabbed Rashid Mwamtaka, who is on the police wanted list. He was arrested while driving his Toyota Probox along the busy Lunga Lunga-Likoni highway.
“Mwamtaka is among other dangerous suspects we are seeking to hand them over to the Anti-Terror Police Unit,” one officer, who did not wish to be named, told the Star.
“We have many terror suspects whose names have not been made public. Once we arrest them, they are handed over to the ATPU for action,” he said.
Heavily armed GSU officers stopped Mwamtaka at the roadblock, checked his driving licence to confirm his identity and arrested him.
Kwale commissioner Achoki confirmed the arrest and said Mwamtaka is being interrogated.
He said the 43 suspected MRC members were holding an illegal meeting at a homestead and were booked at Kwale police station. They are to be taken to court on Monday.
He revealed police disrupted another meeting of the outlawed MRC at Mwananyamala in Lunga Lunga, Kwale county, on Thursday morning.
Police said the MRC members were raising funds to bail out three of their fellows who were arrested and charged with being members of an illegal group three weeks ago.


The Opposition's performance in Parliament in 2015 was lacklustre, signalling weak leadership of the 141 Cord Coalition MPs.
Cord failed spectacularly in calling for impeachment of President Uhuru Kenyatta and sacking of Devolution CS Anne Waiguru — both nonstarters considered emblematic of the opposition's divisiveness.
Individually, Cord MPs introduced more bills than their Jubilee counterparts but their leaders failed to whip them and were unable to generate numbers to push their agenda.
Though the Standing Orders don't allow party-sponsored bills, Minority Leader Charles Nyenze did not present a single bill to the assembly.
Out of 57 bills introduced in the Assembly, 35 were brought by Majority Leader Aden Duale, the Government link in Parliament.
Cord MPs brought nine bills — two disowned by Coalition leadership — while Jubilee MPs brought seven private member bills.
The rest of the bills came from chairpersons of Budget, Finance and Justice and Legal Affairs committees.
In the Senate, while Majority Leader Kithure Kindiki brought one bill, Minority Leader and Cord co-principal Moses Wetang'ula brought none in 2015.
Fifteen bills were introduced in the Senate, five coming from committees, five from Cord senators and five from Jubilee, including Kindiki.
Even when Government-sponsored bills were presented to the House, most opposition MPs shied away from proposing amendments.
Several government-sponsored bills that critics said undermine the constitution were passed — while the Opposition watched.
But ODM chairman John Mbadi said the Opposition performed relatively well.
"We did better than Jubilee but we can do better. We faced challenges, including getting the numbers to counter Jubilee. However, we defeated the bills on NGOs, the ones muzzling the media and we raised the issue to deal with the draconian security bill," Mbadi told the Star.
Cord also faced challenges in Parliament due to "a Speaker who is not willing to give the opposition their say".
When Cord MPs showed their dissatisfaction, they staged walkouts to stop business due to lack of forum, instead of voting.
Since 2013, Cord MPs have walked out at least once a year, and then complained to the public.
Even when they exit, majority leader Duale has always raised a quorum, a minimum 50 MPs.
Several times, Cord leaders have failed to whip members to force a physical vote, instead of less certain acclamation.
Despite having 141 MPs, the Opposition has mostly failed to have 30 MPs in support of a physical vote when acclamation is uncertain.
Mbadi admitted Cord's legislative leadership is less than ideal.
"The opposition outside Parliament has done better in exposing corruption in government. This is mainly because our leadership outside is more experienced," Mbadi said.
The Opposition chairs and constitutes the majority of members of the watchdog Public Accounts and Public Investments committees.
The PAC was dissolved and reconstituted this year over claims of members' corruption.
"We started well, then government started interfering and diverted attention to portray us as fighting each other. We have seen watered-down reports due to interference," Mbadi said.

Friday 1 January 2016


Kenyans defied the odds and joined other cities across the globe in ushering the new year on Thursday night.
There were festivities across the city as the world ushered in 2016, with fireworks, church services and parties across country.
On Tuesday Boinnet had stated that people had to get permits to set off fireworks during the eve of new year's celebrations.
Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet directed the order to hotel owners, individuals and other establishments on Monday evening saying the order was a measure to curb on terrorism.
"No one is allowed to set off any manner of fireworks without the necessary authorisation from the Ministry of Mining which will in turn alert the nearest police station or camp," Boinnet said in a press statement.


Five people died and three others seriously injured in Salgaa as Kenyans ushered in the New Year.
The three died after a Mbukinya bus and a Toyota Wish were involved in a head-on collision at around 3am on the Nakuru-Total highway.
All the victims were in the private car, no one in the bus was injured.
Witnesses told the Star the bus was speeding as it attempted to overtake another vehicle when it hit the small car.
Rift Valley traffic commander Mary Omari said the three people who were injured are receiving treatment at Nakuru Provincial Hospital.
The car was heading to Uganda while the bus was travelling to Nakuru from Eldoret town.
“I warn all road users during this festive season and especially as we head to school opening to strictly observe traffic rules to avoid more accidents,” Omari said.


Nearly three hundred members of street families benefited from a food donation by Central Police station OCS Alphonse Ngundo on Friday.
The OCS, accompanied by,the Chaplain of the station Pastor Joshua Kimengich and several police officers donated to them foodstuff as they celebrated the new year.
Ngundo urged members of the public not to neglect them as they are part of our society and they need to be loved.
"This people didn't choose to be here but it's only that they are unfortunate and if we cooperate with them the city will be okay",said Ngundo.
The Central station police boss said that through police cooperation with members of the street families,crime has reduced in the city through prevention and detection of it from their tips.
Among the beneficiaries was 18-year old Francis Kuria who sat for his class 8 at Gathiga children's home last year and scored 287 marks thanked the Police for their cooperation with them.
He said that it's through that relationship and advice from the Police that he was able to enrol at the children home and complete his primary education.
"I am grateful to the Central police station officers because they helped me shape my life by going back to school and i am hoping for a better future." He said.


Kisumu governor has called on Prophet David Owuor to pray for the nation in his three day rally at the Kibos grounds in Kisumu.
“We have seen miracles through his prayers and I am calling him to pray for the country,” he said while welcoming Owuor to the city on Thursday.
Prophet Owuor kicked off a three day crusade in Kisumu on Thursday with thousands of faithfuls braving the cold and rains.
The crowds arrived arrived in Kisumu for the New Year prayers to be led by Owuor from Friday last week at the Kibos grounds.
Guests came from as far Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Europe.
There is tight security as more than 1,200 police officers, including anti-terror experts were deployed to the venue and town.
Kisumu county commissioner John Elungata and Assistant IG Joseph Keitany said acts of lawlessness will to be allowed. They said police are on high alert to curb any crime.
Owuor arrived in Kisumu on Wednesday evening with a convoy of sleek cars escorted by police under tight security.
Last year more than 10,000 people, including those from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Europe, attended Owuor’s crusade in Kisumu.