

Peter Willys Otiala Mukabi was born on 10th october 1986 at a small village of Endebess now a new town of Kwanza district .Mukabi who is the son of the late mzee Gilbert Otiala And Mama Sarah Omwangala ,A 7th born the family of 8took his studiesat Endebess primary and then Manorhouse high school between 1992-2004.He later joined East Africa school of journalism and broadcasting in the year 2005.

In the year 2006 he jouned Imani fm88.8fnkitale a christian based station.A year later he joined Kenya seed company as DJ in the marketing department before proceeding to Radio Mambo 91.7fm based in Webuye now Bungoma County upto date.He also worked with Radio Sema at Kericho but because of poor management he desided to quit.

Mukabi who works as a presenter and a commedian in the morning shows and evening drive , has become the most commanding commedian in western,Northrift and Nyanza region where the stion covers.Recently Peter Mukabi was named the most listened commedian in the region for the past 3years by the Syinovet.We came to learn that the guy is so secret that you can't easilyread his mind because he is very tricky according to the sources.

He is now working with nyot fm radio in western kenya bungoma,as he runs his blog

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