Wednesday 8 June 2022


John Lutomia
A rogue missionary by the name John Lutomia  domaining  as John Lee is soliciting funds from hundreds of Kenyans in the name of helping them. According to our reliable source the man from luhya land who is now duping  the white men in the name of  helping valranable Africans  on different  capacity is believed  to be extracting money  as registration fee so as to be attended by the wazungus doctor which has remain as a dream to most victim .

On the recent act the “man of God” had a bitter exchange of words in a whatsapp group  claiming to have helped achurch with kshs.80,000 that he even failed to  provide evidence. Also as we were making this report the rogue missionary has failed to pay back kshs.1300 to a cancer victim whom he duped  by the name simon oniang’o from vihiga county.

In a whatsapp group the calprit who tried to outshine other members by posting  bundles of money  was put of as he pretend to  help by show of images of money.It is believed the man has been moving around trying  to dupe but it seems the milk is sour..

Kenyans have been in the recent past fallen into such traps  after fake pastors who emails and get funds from abroad in the name of helping but turns up to be business practitioners  in the house of the lord. The matter is now being pursued by the authorities  to bring the culprit  to book.

Tuesday 7 June 2022




A rogue pastor who purport to be a missionary has been soliciting funds from innocent kenyans pretending to be helping them on different capacity. Sources told us the man by the name John Lutomia aka John Lee has is several occasion trying to use all means to extract  money from kenyans and emailing the Warungu's to be part of the mission. We have in possession credible information  about the rogue pastor that we shall publish by tomorrow